I truly appreciate the understanding during this venture. Being a one man, one chair shop has its challenges but its always rewarding.
Again, I will be out of the shop most of the month of September. These are the available dates for when I will be in town. I understand this causes an abundance of inconveniences, and I am very sorry for that.
I have added extra hours, this Saturday 8/27 and opened up my schedule for 8/29 and 8/30.
I will also be open the morning of 9/1, the day I leave
I will be back in the shop 9/13 , 9/14, 9/15, and 9/16 . So please keep an eye on the schedule to snag a spot.
Things will be back to regular schedule starting on 9/27.
Again, thank you all so much for your understanding and patience.
I appreciate you all tremendously!!!